When the weather goes below zero, we often think about the people and pets who have not got somewhere warm to go home to. PetFlys has created three toys from which a portion of the proceeds benefit Pets of the Homeless, a non-profit volunteer organization that provides pet food, shelter and veterinary care to pets of the homeless and less fortunate in communities across the United States and Canada.
Choose from Hope the Elephant, Faith the Giraffe, and Peace the Camel-- or better yet, pick up all three from Pet Flys' site for $18 (individually they retail for $7). Make sure to also stop by Pets of the Homeless' site to find out more about the organization and how you can get involved!
Wags & Kisses,
The Barkistas
These are fantastic. And Pets of the Homeless sounds like such an awesome organization. I'm going to check out their site to see about how we can help.