Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Emily & Einstein

Somehow during the madness leading up to and during New York Fashion Week, we found time to pick up a new book that's hitting shelves in March. While it wasn't necessarily a page turner, we enjoyed the advance copy of Emily & Einstein that we received. The latest work by Linda Francis Lee, who is  based in New York, it's also set in the Big Apple. The premise? A young Manhattanite discovers that after the sudden death of her husband that all is not what it seemed. Though she seeks solace and companionship in a shelter rescue named Einstein, the book focuses more on human relationships than that between dog and owner. Why do we say that even though the back of the book might lead you to believe otherwise? Highlight the following text for a spoiler.... her dead husband's spirit is transferred into the body of the dog!So... even though there's a dog... most of the story told from he pup's point of view is humanized.

Oddly enough, we were surprised that out of the two characters, Emily and Einstein, it was Einstein that was most developed-- which is why, we don't think we'd classify the book as traditional "Chick Lit". In fact, Emily was kind of irritating-- not because she's poorly written, but because in many ways she's realistic.

While the book is on the longer side (though not necessarily long-winded), we enjoyed the non-linear storyline and dual narrators-- it made it easy to read in chunks of time, which is all we've had the last few weeks. There weren't too many "weepy" moments, but there were definitely one or two that had us reaching for the tissues. (Which takes a lot for us-- something really has to hit home in order to get our eyes to well up.) Some unbelievable events, but again-- isn't that why we read fiction?

We definitely recommend you check it out-- Emily & Einstein could be a fun book club read for people who love dogs, reading, or both! And after all, isn't discussing a book with others part of what makes reading fun? Would also be a fun spring break or beach read! Pre-order your paper or Kindle copy from

Wags & Kisses,
The Barkistas 

Disclaimer: Samples were provided by PR for review. Please see our disclaimer for more information.

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