Sunday, October 12, 2014

Halloween Dog Costumes 2014 - The Good, The Bad and The Scary…

Halloween is one of our favorite holidays, but this year we are totally lacking inspiration when it comes to Paddy's costume for 2014. Cruising the web has not unfortunately helped much… it seems like a lot of what's out there is totally just phoned in, if you know what I mean…

Case in point:
Seriously? What the heck is this?

While we were really hoping to get our act together and do something homemade, with Halloween right around the corner (okay, so like three weeks), that doesn't seem likely. Thus we're sussing out what's available online, and here are some of our favorite options: 

Does your dog have a furry face? Yes? Well then this Ewok costume might be right up their alley. 

Available across the web, but we found it at

Nothing is more bizarre than animals dressing up as other animals…. thus there is a special place in our heart for this Octo-hound costume. Also ringing at less than $20 on this site, it's not going to break the bank. 

This costume, is unfortunately sold out, but is probably one of the greatest Howl-o-ween dog costumes we've seen. Yes, that's a piñata. Doubtful that t will come back into stock before Halloween, but we found it online here. For those that are crafty, there's also a great DIY post on this blog on how to make your own piñata costume if you are that way inclined. 

Sherlock Hound is just too adorable for words. A little on the pricier side, but it's pretty cute.

Personally, we've always thought Paddy would make a cute ballerina, so that's the current direction we're heading… stay tuned, we'll let you know how it's looking...

Is your dog dressing up this Halloween? What has inspired you?

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