Monday, November 1, 2010

Crate & Barrel Herringbone Dog Ornaments

Well, with Halloween out of the way, it's time to start thinking about the holidays! 

Okay, maybe not... but it's kind of hard to ignore them, especially when your local Duane Reade (aka pharmacy for all of you non-NYC'ers) starts putting out the holiday decorations on November 1st. While we are going to try and pace ourselves and not dive right into making popcorn garlands and paper snowflakes, we can't help but start picking up a few things here and there.... 

After all, if you don't get them now, they'll be gone in a few weeks when you want them-- right? And how can you say no to this adorable set of Herringbone Dog Ornaments? Each set contains four festively dressed Fidos, ready to look cute while guarding your tree. Pick them up now from Crate & Barrel for $27.95.

Wags & Kisses,
The Barkistas

1 comment:

  1. Dog blogs are so dangerous! I want all the cute stuff that's posted. These are a must have!


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